Our mission at Journey of Faith church is to equip believers to do the works of Christ (Ephesians 4:12) and to release them into the harvest with a Kingdom purpose. Every believer has a ministry and are vital to advancing the Kingdom of God in the earth. We understand the necessity of teaching believers their identity in Christ and what it means to be one with Him. Our ministry as believers, is a ministry of reconciliation ( 2 Cor. 5:18-19). We all have a mission from God to share the message of His amazing grace, letting a desperate world know that He is not holding their sins against them. Favor has been restored, now come and be reconciled to God!

Journey Of Faith
Tim Lewis is a native Floridian who was born and raised in Pensacola.It was while attending the University of West Florida that he felt the call of God to pursue ministry. He knew God had something uniquely different for him, which didn’t include his accounting degree.
Attended Rhema Bible Training Center, he graduated in 1993

Journey Of Faith
Robin Lewis teaches and preaches alongside her husband Tim at Journey of Faith church. She is also an itinerant minister, traveling and sharing the good news of the gospel.
Robin attended Rhema Bible Training Center in 1990 where she developed a passion for the Word of God. It is that passion that continues to sustain her today as she shares the Word with others.
Faith and Love
Our life is full and fun! We are firm believers that “a family that plays together, stays together.”
Tim and I have four children and 10 grandchildren, so you can imagine our house at Christmas.
Making memories and making cookies is at the heart of this crew.

Sunday 10:30 AM
Wednesday 6:30 PM

7203 Pine Forest Rd
Pensacola, Fl 32526